My wife has a small bald-spot on her head, what caused it and what can be done?

Patient’s Question: Greetings and Salutations Dr. Friedman, I am writing to ask you a hair loss question about my wife of nearly 25 years. She was standing in front of the bathroom mirror the other day and was showing me a spot above her right temple but close to the center that is beginning to …

My wife has a small bald-spot on her head, what caused it and what can be done? Read More »

I am losing hair after giving birth, what can I do to stop it and regrow new hair?

Patient’s Question: I had a baby two months ago and now my hair is shedding all the time and my hair is thinning on the top of my scalp.  Is there anything that I can do to stop my hair loss and to re-grow my hair? Dr. Friedman’s Answer: When you were pregnant, the placenta …

I am losing hair after giving birth, what can I do to stop it and regrow new hair? Read More »

How long does it take for women to see noticeable, new hair growth results from laser therapy treatments?

Patient’s Question: How long does it take to see results from laser therapy treatments?  Do they work for women?  I am a 53-year-old female.  Am I a candidate? Dr. Friedman’s Answer: Laser therapy is extremely successful in women who have miniaturized hairs still present on their scalp.  When hair dies it does not just fall …

How long does it take for women to see noticeable, new hair growth results from laser therapy treatments? Read More »

I am 45 and overplucked my eyebrows when I was younger. What are my options for getting them back?

Patient’s Question: I am 45 and when I was younger I over plucked my eyebrows to the point of no return.  They will not grow back.  Is there anything I can do to make them grow back or is hair transplant surgery my only option? Dr. Friedman’s Answer: The only permanent option is hair transplantation.  …

I am 45 and overplucked my eyebrows when I was younger. What are my options for getting them back? Read More »

What are the side-effects for women who use low level light therapy to regrow their hair?

Patient’s Question: What are the side effects of laser therapy for women over the age of 37?  Will it take many treatments for me to see a change in my hair thickness and volume? Dr. Friedman’s Answer: There is virtually no side effects to low-level laser therapy if performed properly.  We feel that laser therapy …

What are the side-effects for women who use low level light therapy to regrow their hair? Read More »

Hair Transplant Question from African-American Female

Patient’s Question: Does the success of a hair transplant depend on the type of hair being transplanted?  I am an African-American female with thinning hair on the top of my head. Dr. Friedman’s Answer: Transplanted hair will always grow. The success of the transplant depends on whether or not you have enough density over the …

Hair Transplant Question from African-American Female Read More »

I overplucked my eyebrows, can hair grafts help me?

Patient’s Question: Over the years I have plucked my eyebrows to the point that they won’t grow back. Is there any way to permanently replace them? Dr. Friedman’s Answer: Hair transplantation has been very successful in transplanting eyebrows and replacing the eyebrows you have plucked over the years. The only caveat is that the transplanted …

I overplucked my eyebrows, can hair grafts help me? Read More »

What is the best topical treatment for the re-growth and thickening of hair loss for a female around the age of 40?

Patient’s Question: What is the best topical treatment for the re-growth and thickening of hair loss for a female around the age of 40? Dr. Friedman’s Answer: I personally do not believe there is a good topical treatment for re-growth for women.  The only FDA approved drug is Rogaine or minoxidil and I think it …

What is the best topical treatment for the re-growth and thickening of hair loss for a female around the age of 40? Read More »