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This patient is in her sixties and was concerned with her thinning in and behind her hair line. Her goal was to add density, and create a better appearance for her hair line. Dr. Friedman placed a total of 2,010 grafts. Of those, 637 grafts were single hairs, places in the hair line. The other 1,373 grafts were placed in the frontal region and mid- scalp.  She is 8 months post-op and couldn’t be more thrilled with her results. She is also using Low Level Light Therapy to prevent future loss and help stabilize her hair.

30 year-old female, 1 hair transplant, 1,725 hair grafts to lower the frontal hairline.

58 year-old female, 2 hair transplants, 4,290 hair grafts total.

70 year old white female showing results of one hair transplant with 2,847 hair grafts, and low level light therapy to prevent future hair loss.

57 year-old white female showing results of one hair transplant with 2,456 hair grafts and laser cap to prevent hair loss.

61 year-old female, 1 hair transplant, 1,700 hair grafts, and use of laser cap to prevent hair loss.

65 year-old female patient, 1 hair transplant, 1,900 hair grafts.


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