Patient’s Question:

How painful is a hair transplant procedure for men?

Doctor’s Answer:

Today, there is very little discomfort or pain during the procedure since we premedicate with Valium followed by local anesthetics. Most patients say they experience more discomfort at their dentist than undergoing hair transplantation. As I mentioned, during the procedure there is virtually no pain since we keep the surgical area numb. When the patient returns the day after surgery for their shampoo, we ask them to grade their discomfort on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest. Over 95% of the patients say they are a 2 or 3. We also have some patients who say they are a 0 to 1 and occasionally the patient who states they are a 6. We give all patients a prescription for pain pills for the first few post-op days in case they experience any discomfort.

Thank you for your inquiry. Please call us at 480.500.7443 or send us an EMAIL if you have any further questions.

Dr. Shelly Friedman, DO
Board Certified Hair Restoration Surgeon
Arizona’s Most Trusted Hair Loss Doctor
Named Phoenix Magazine’s Top Doc – Hair Transplant Surgeon



Written on April 18, 2016 | Categories: Hair Transplant Questions | Tags: ,