Do hair transplant doctors still implant “hair plugs”?

Patient’s Question: Hello Dr. Friedman, I’ve been considering a hair transplant procedure for about two years now. I know the procedure had advanced quite a bit in the last few decades, but I still hear the word “hair plugs” being used on TV and in movies. Are doctors still actually giving people hair plugs? How …

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After hair transplant surgery, can I wear my hair short?

Patient’s Question: I would like to keep wearing my hair short after a hair transplant but I don’t want a noticeable scar. Is this possible? Dr. Friedman’s Reply: Absolutely! We offer two methods of hair transplantation: Follicular Unit Transplanting (FUT)—the so-called “strip method”—and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). With FUT, a strip of hair is excised. …

After hair transplant surgery, can I wear my hair short? Read More »

What is the average hair transplant price?

Patient’s Question: Price ranges for hair transplants seem to vary dramatically. What should be an average price range per follicular unit or graft? Doctor Friedman’s Answer: Each doctor sets their own prices per graft or per region of scalp. A majority of the doctors choose to charge per graft, an actual monetary number per graft. …

What is the average hair transplant price? Read More »

Who is most vulnerable to hair transplant shock loss?

Patient’s Question: Are there certain people or conditions in which shock loss is more likely to occur after a hair transplant? Are there any ways to avoid this? Dr. Friedman’s Answer: Whenever we transplant into areas that still have existing native hair (remaining hair), there is always the possibility of causing shock that is a …

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Do hair transplant doctors specialize in African-American hair?

QUESTION: I am an African American male, 52 years of age. I am interested in a hair transplant and wondering what in particular I need to look for in the doctor. Is it necessary to find someone who has special experience with African American hair transplants? ANSWER: Each ethnic group presents with unique challenges in …

Do hair transplant doctors specialize in African-American hair? Read More »

Will one hair transplant procedure require me to get more as I get older?

Patient’s Question: I am in my mid-30s and looking to improve [the appearance] of my hair loss. I understand that my hair loss will continue even if I get a hair transplant. Does this mean that you are more likely to require multiple transplants over the years, the younger you are when you have your …

Will one hair transplant procedure require me to get more as I get older? Read More »

How painful is a hair transplant procedure for men?

Patient’s Question: How painful is a hair transplant procedure for men? Doctor’s Answer: Today, there is very little discomfort or pain during the procedure since we premedicate with Valium followed by local anesthetics. Most patients say they experience more discomfort at their dentist than undergoing hair transplantation. As I mentioned, during the procedure there is …

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What is the process that occurs during the hair transplant surgery?

Question: Can you describe the process that occurs during the hair transplant surgery? Answer: In the typical hair transplant surgery procedure, the patient’s medical history is detailed to rule out medication allergies and medical illnesses which could complicate the surgery. Occasionally, surgical clearance may be needed from the patient’s Internist or Primary Care Physician. The …

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What is the best method for harvesting a large number of hair grafts?

Question: I’m 52 and have a pretty big bald patch and would like to know what is the best method for harvesting a large number of grafts, FUE, FUT or something else? Dr. Friedman’s Answer: When you have a large bald area to cover, the best method for harvesting grafts is Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) …

What is the best method for harvesting a large number of hair grafts? Read More »